Make my blog look better?
Other blogger's blogs look amazing and so detailed with things and I know i'm a newbie to this but if anyone could help I would truly appriciate it.
'These aren't the droids you're looking for - Obi-Wan - Star Wars'
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Good Prevening......(T.B.B.T reference)
Hello there guys, hope everyone is well, as Sunday's are pay-day for me, I tend to go straight to Boots after work and see what new products there is to try and buy. This weeks goodies I bought V05 Treat Me Right deep hair conditioning treatment. I am yet to use it as I haven't washed my hair yet (laaaazzzzy but your own natural hair oils is good for your hair) but as soon as I do, pics and reviews will be up A.S.A.P.
As I have been M.I.A in the past and bought a lot of goodies over the weeks, I vow to have a catch up and show you some of the products I have bought on my 'Treat Myself Sunday's', so if you have been interested in certain products in the past but not sure to buy them, I hope my experience with them will help you out on your decision.
I find looking through other people's blogs it tends to be really expensive items that are a bit out of my price range, even though I would love to have them in my possession, working part time and a uni student, it will be a dream I will have to wait on, but I hope to find similar items that won't break the bank.
I'm going to see Ted this week which I'm excited about as the trailer for it looks really funny, has anyone else seen it yet?
'If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? - Albert Einstien'
As I have been M.I.A in the past and bought a lot of goodies over the weeks, I vow to have a catch up and show you some of the products I have bought on my 'Treat Myself Sunday's', so if you have been interested in certain products in the past but not sure to buy them, I hope my experience with them will help you out on your decision.
I find looking through other people's blogs it tends to be really expensive items that are a bit out of my price range, even though I would love to have them in my possession, working part time and a uni student, it will be a dream I will have to wait on, but I hope to find similar items that won't break the bank.
I'm going to see Ted this week which I'm excited about as the trailer for it looks really funny, has anyone else seen it yet?
'If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? - Albert Einstien'
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
I wanted to start reading again as I found myself relying on technology and using my phone quite a lot, so i did some scooping round and found this amazing book. I read a review on it and thought it was right up my street, and for £7.99 at Waterstones I thought to give it a read.
I cannot praise enough of how amazing this book is. I could of read this in a day but wanted to pace myself. It is about a young girl named Karou with two seperate lives, on one side she is a young art student living in Prague, but on the other side she is a errand-girl to a montrous creature who is the closest thing she has to family. She is raised in half in our world and half in 'Elsewere' and has never understood Brimstone's dark work. She dosn't know how she came into Brimstone's keeping, she is a secret even to herself, overcome by the sensation that she isn't whole.
Now the doors to Elsewere are closing, she must decide to live in the safety of her human life and the dangers of a war-ravaged world that may hold the answers she always sought.
It is a fantasy book by Laini Taylor that will be part in a series of books and I cannot wait for part two of this book. Laini Taylor has wrote other books in the past which I'm yet to read, but reading some reviews, I found that her past books are more for the tween generation which is not my cup of tea being 23 and all, but this book is aimed for young adults who want to escape reality and dive into the fantasy of magic, monsters and love.
'Goonies never say die! - Mike - The Goonies'
International Space Station
Just witnessed it flying over the U.K and I must was amazing. From what I could see, it was a tiny bright dot moving at a fast speed, but to know that it was the international space station was amazing!!
Oh and I saw a shooting star =)
'Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try - Yoda - Star Wars'
Oh and I saw a shooting star =)
'Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try - Yoda - Star Wars'
Models Own - Ibiza Mix
Models Own - Ibiza Mix Nail Polish - Boots £5.00
(I do apologise with how dark the picture is - it took severl attempts and this was the best out of the bunch)
I was intrigued to try this out as I seen it on quite a few blogs and thought to give it a try. Oh my Zeus was it hard to get. Every single time I went into boots it was sold out, I had a lot of frustration trying to buy this product but one day I was in town quite early and there it was.......BACK IN STOCK!
So I grabbed hold of it as quick as I could and went straight to the till. I was a bit worried at first as it looks like black nail polish with glitter sparkles inside, but I still bought it anyway =).
So later that night I tested it out, my first attempt of trying it out I used Barry M in 504 Mint Green and put the Ibiza mix ontop.
It worked out very well and looked quite girly but was I shocked with the smell of this product (Ibiza Mix). It reminded me of car paint and was very strong and over powering but I procceeded through and was pleased with the outcome despite the smell.
It lasted for at least 5 days but I chipped it in work (dont know why I bother sometimes as I always chip my polish in work) and thought it was time to take it off.
I used the Boujoir 1 second nail polish remover.
This has been on every blog I've read so far, but it is great stuff. The smell is a lot more pleasant than normal nail polish removers but it still does have a hint of the smell. I wont bore you with how the product works as im sure you have read it plenty of times before (that you stick your nail inside the sponge, a couple of spins and hey presto the polish is off - although is dosnt take a second to come off)
When I used the remover, I found that it took of the colour polish off but not the sparkles so I had to do it manually with normal nail polish remover. You need to have patience of a saint as it does take some time and force to get it off. It is incredibly strong (which I suppose it has to so the sparkles dont fall off) so I suppose it's great in that sense but after a while of forceful-ness to try to get it off, your nails do hurt after a while, and yet I still continue to use it lol.
How did you find on using these products? Any easier tips to get it off without the strength of the Hulk for help?
'If I'm not back in 5 mintues.......just wait longer - Ace Ventura'
I cant believe its been sooooo long since i last wrote a blog. I am very sorry but as you know, you could have a quiet spell in life and can update at least 4 times a week but my life atm has been really busy that I have had no time at all to write. but while the boyfriend is watching the match I thought I would sit down properly and make a comeback and write a couple of blogs tonight.
I have been totally gripped by the olympics as well has anyone else? How proud are you at our very talented country!!!
Hope everyone is enjoying this rare bit of sunshine we've been having and FINALLY having a bit of Summer for a change.
Hope you are all well.
'If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per're gonna see some serious shit! - Doc Brown - Back To The Future'
I have been totally gripped by the olympics as well has anyone else? How proud are you at our very talented country!!!
Hope everyone is enjoying this rare bit of sunshine we've been having and FINALLY having a bit of Summer for a change.
Hope you are all well.
'If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per're gonna see some serious shit! - Doc Brown - Back To The Future'
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Moroccan Hair Treatment Oil
Moroccan Hair Oil Treatment - £30
As you all are pretty much aware from my previous post,
that I'm trying to grow my hair out and will try any new lotions and potions to
keep my in good condition so my hair will grow strong and healthy (and
hopefully thick). I went to get a trim on my hair last week and prayed that she
didn't had to take too much of my hair off, as I haven't had my hair cut since
January I thought she will be like; 'ooooh your hair is full of split ends from
all the dying and straightners I need to cut alllll this off!!'. To my surprise
I was being commented on how healthy my hair was an had no split ends at all,
which as you guessed made me extremely happy and I could get a cut I asked for.
I mentioned to the hairdresser that I've been using this
product, 'Moroccan Hair Treatment Oil', and she told me how amazing it was for
your hair. I got it recommended to me by a close friend of mine who has been
using it for years and I've always admired how she keeps her hair in such great
condition. As she's a sales assistant she sold the product to me really well so
after work the next day I walked up to the local hairdressers and asked
questions about this 'miracle' product. I was told how;
'Moroccanoil Treatment’s really versatile, nourishing and residue-free
formula can be used as a conditioning, styling and finishing tool. It blends
perfectly with other products and even speeds up drying time. This treatment
for hair completely transforms and repairs as its formula transports lost
proteins for strength; fatty acids, omega-3 oils and vitamins for shine; and
antioxidants for protection. It absorbs instantly to fill gaps in hair created
by heat, styling and environmental damage.'
Which funny enough was what it said on the website (which I copied this
from) so she has memorized this pretty well. A little really does go along way
as my hair is still short, 1 pump of it is perfect for me, but you can use more
if your hair is longer or quite thick. I use this product every time I've
washed my hair and I must say you can notice the difference straight away. My
hair is a lot softer, feels thicker and has a great shine to it. The smell is
lovely, not to over powering which is great for me and lasts for most of the
day. The price is a killer........ready......£30.00 a bottle!! Which is pretty
expensive but as I said before a little goes a long way, leaves your hair in
great condition, and helps protect your hair from heat, styling and
environmental damage.
I also found this video about this product and found out that it does so
much more for your hair. I've posted the link below so you guys can check it
out, personally I think the price is still quite high but worth it I suppose as
it does seem to be the miracle product for your hair.
Hope you guys are well, and enjoyed the sun while we had it.
'Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple - Willy Wonka'
Moroccan Oil
Friday, 25 May 2012
Vosene Shampoo.....Strips Colour??
Now I've never heard of this product till my mum mentioned it to me. She's having the same problem as me, too much dye build up and wanting to light it up but without using harsh chemicals like bleach etc. I was sceptic at first but after researching this product and asking a few of the girls in work about Vosene, apparently it is well known to help 'strip' the colour out of your hair and people swear by it. I use the word strip lightly as it's not an instant fix to help lighten you hair. Depending on the colour build up, the first wash doesn't really do much. Now I'm not sure if it has anything to do with using box dyes or getting your hair coloured at the hairdressers as my mum has been having faster results than me (she goes the hairdressers), but I have to tell you to persevere with it as it slowly but surely lightens your hair if you box dye it.
It does leave your hair a bit dry and 'tatty' while you're washing it, but as long as you have great conditioner to put on after you shampoo, your hair will go back to its regular condition. My mum had been recommended by the hairdresser to use this product once or twice a week, but I've used it every wash as I want to quicken the lightening process. When you wash your hair with Vosene, make sure to leave it on your hair for about 3 mins, like you would with conditioner, as it works through your hair. Rinse as normal and then put conditioner on your hair to get it back soft and shiny again.
This product is very popular because when I went to shop for some more for me and my mum, Boots was sold out and Superdrug had small stock of them. I managed to get it from Superdrug with my student discount for 89p which is an absolute bargain. My mum got the first bottle for £1.99 from somewhere (I'll have to ask her), but shop round first as I managed to get it cheaper.
When I've got it a bit more lighter I'll blog some before and after shots of this product and see what you think.
Does anyone have any tips and tricks they would like to share on lightening your hair without using harsh chemicals would be great.
'Live long and prosper - Spock - Star Trek'
Jen x
Im Baaaaaack!!
Hey Everyone I'm back (again), my poor laptop was sick and I had to take it to the laptop doctors and the poor thing had to be kept overnight. But it's all in tip top shape again and all fixed, so I'm back and blogging again.
I have some new purchases to tell you about and some new items to my collection. I'm also getting my social life back on track and been going the cinema to watch the anticipated 'The Avengers', which by the way was TOTALLY THE BEST MOVIE EVER!! Me and my boyfriend got the chance to see it in IMAX 3D and was worth every penny, sadly it's been taken off IMAX ready for Men In Black 3 (which I need to see soon) but I do recommend to watch it while you can still see it in either 2D or 3D (DO IT!!). I also went to see 'American Pie Reunion' and great Scott (BTTF reference) I was in stitches and grossed out at parts but still found it a really funny movie all in all, considering it didn't get very good reviews, I think if you haven't grown up with the boys since their planning of losing their virginity, then you wouldn't enjoy this film as we would.
What did you think of the movies? I'd like to hear what you thought.
I'll update soon on my purchases and let you know what I thought once I've uploaded my pictures from my camera to my now healthy laptop yaaay!
Hope you're all well and enjoying the sunshine.
I'll be back!
Jen x
Friday, 11 May 2012
Hey everyone, I am so sorry that I haven't wrote anything in a while, as most of you will know it's that time of year were it's been exams and deadlines, so I have been mad mad busy.
Hope you are all well, but I am back now as I have finished for the summer and will update soon with all my latest purchases, which has been a lot as I've been quite stressed for these past few weeks, I have treated myself to a thing or two.
I'm really gutted as I went on my laptop to do an update, an sadly I cannot connect to the Internet. I can't find the reason why, everything else that needs to use a wireless Internet connection works fine but my laptop. So for now I have had to borrow my mum's iPad to write this blog, yes my own mother has an iPad an I don't lol. But I'll be getting my laptop fixed ASAP and will continue to blog my new goodies to my lovely followers.
Take care, live long and prosper!!
(my glasses tag would be here if I new how to do it on this iPad)
Jen x
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Barry M Nail Polish.
Barry M - 150 Glitter Red Nail Polish - Superdrug £3.99
I feel like this type
of colour works best with a tan (I use the St Moritz false tan from Home
Bargain) as it makes it stand out more. I've had people commenting on this nail
polish asking if I have it professionally done and if I've had this transfer
sheet over them, when I tell them it's Barry M for a few pounds, the reaction
is like 'shocked look' REALLY??.
I would recommend this product to try as I've had quite a
few compliments and definitely getting my monies worth from this polish, even
after wearing it since Saturday, only the odd nail is chipped slightly but it
is passable to get away with on a daily basis and not having to re-do your
nails again.
Hope you're well and staying dry as April showers is definitely living up to its name this week.
'Ray, if someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES! - Winston, Ghostbusters'
Friday, 20 April 2012
Hair Care.
For the
past......two-ish years, I've had my hair cut quite short, which don't get me
wrong, has been the easiest haircut to style and wash, as I'm a girl who loves
her sleep, this was suitable for me. But in January, I had the haircut from
hell. Now normally he does a lovely cut on my hair and I've had compliments on
how well he had done it. However this time round, he cut the layers at the back of
my hair very un-even and in a way kind of looked like a bowl haircut from
behind (so basically it was one uneven layer and then the rest of my hair
underneath). The rest of my hair was really impossible to style and I was
really disappointed with what he had done. I must admit this was a second
chance I gave him as a few months before, he gave me another bad haircut,
un-even layers etc, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt as other
people were raving how amazing he is and to give him another chance.
So when I asked for just a trim, you can imagine the horror on my face when I saw more of my already short hair, falling to the floor.
Phew! rant over, I was thinking for a while before the awful haircut of January, to grow my hair out and try something new. As I said before, even though having a short hairstyle is so much easier, I miss having different styles in my hair like having it curly or half up half down, etc. So now i am on a very very long and painfully frustrating task of growing my hair, if anyone has experienced this you know what I'm going through. to give you an idea, my hair was cut so short that it touched the top of my ears and after four months, it has now grown to the bottom of my ear. My goal for now is to have the same hair length and style as Alexa Chung.
So since January I've not had my haircut. I know its bad as your meant to have a healthy trim on your hair every 4/6/8 weeks depending on your hair growth, but i just don't have enough pennies and time at the moment as my uni work is getting pretty intense. I suppose this gives me a chance to save my pennies (being a student an all), make a start on growing my hair out and not being tempted to have my hair cut short or to be convinced on having it cut short by a hairdresser. I've been using a lot of hair care products to keep my hair in the best condition as i possibly can (until i can relax from uni in the summer holidays). So here is a brand new product on the high street I've been using for a while now.
Now I can imagine your thinking to yourself, 'why didn't you say anything?', and I have a couple of very good reasons;
1. I have to take my glasses off when I get my haircut and without them I'm blind as a bat..........seriously at 23 it's quite bad, so i couldn't see what he was doing.
2. I feel bad when I'm questioning someone at their profession are they sure they know what they're doing and is this really what I asked for?
Phew! rant over, I was thinking for a while before the awful haircut of January, to grow my hair out and try something new. As I said before, even though having a short hairstyle is so much easier, I miss having different styles in my hair like having it curly or half up half down, etc. So now i am on a very very long and painfully frustrating task of growing my hair, if anyone has experienced this you know what I'm going through. to give you an idea, my hair was cut so short that it touched the top of my ears and after four months, it has now grown to the bottom of my ear. My goal for now is to have the same hair length and style as Alexa Chung.
I still have a long way to go.
So since January I've not had my haircut. I know its bad as your meant to have a healthy trim on your hair every 4/6/8 weeks depending on your hair growth, but i just don't have enough pennies and time at the moment as my uni work is getting pretty intense. I suppose this gives me a chance to save my pennies (being a student an all), make a start on growing my hair out and not being tempted to have my hair cut short or to be convinced on having it cut short by a hairdresser. I've been using a lot of hair care products to keep my hair in the best condition as i possibly can (until i can relax from uni in the summer holidays). So here is a brand new product on the high street I've been using for a while now.
Damage Therapy Intensive Repair.
On the front of the packaging,
it says;
micro moisture serum and fibre actives, helps to replenish 1 month's protein
loss in 1 night'
I cannot
boast of how amazing this product is. what you do is apply 2-4 pumps of the
product (depending on hair length) onto damp or towel dried hair concentrating
from the middle and the ends, as this part of your hair receives the most day
to day damage. Leave it on overnight, with its non greasy formulae and its soft
texture; it melts instantly into your hair leaving no marks onto your pillow. Wash
or style your hair as usual the next morning. For optimum results, use at least
once a week.
product is literally one of the best purchases I've bought. Does everything it
says on the bottle and my hair feels incredibly soft with an amazing shine, I've
used dove products in the past and when I saw this little beauty on the shelf I
had to give it a try and I was not disappointed at all. I bought mine from Superdrug
for £5.99, for the size of the bottle you get (120ml) and the condition it
leaves your hair, I do have to say it's worth every penny and a great
Hope you
guys are well and if anyone else has any tips or tricks to a healthy hair, please
send them my way for me to try.
'Geeeerrrrroooooonnnniimmmooooooo!!! - Matt Smith - The Doctor'
'Geeeerrrrroooooonnnniimmmooooooo!!! - Matt Smith - The Doctor'
Thursday, 19 April 2012
I am currently studying a Foundation degree in Popular Music, and oh my giddy aunt, there is sooooo much work that needs to be in by May.
I was wondering if anyone had any tips and tricks they could advise me on, so i don't get to stressed out, go grey early and be relaxed and calm.
I'm sure i can get all my work done by May, as He-Man would say 'BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL 'I HAVE THE POWER!'
I was wondering if anyone had any tips and tricks they could advise me on, so i don't get to stressed out, go grey early and be relaxed and calm.
I'm sure i can get all my work done by May, as He-Man would say 'BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL 'I HAVE THE POWER!'
Brand Spanking New!
Well......Hello there!
Good Afternoon to you all, my name is Jen and as you can tell, I am brand spanking new to the world of blogging. I must admit I am a geek at heart and love things like Back to the Future (sooo want a delorean), Star Wars (may the force be with you) and Pokémon (Gotta catch them all!). But I am also a girlie girl and love trying out new makeup, hair dyes, skin/hair care products and even have an attempt at fashion (when I have money).
In my blog I will talk about life, beauty, geekiness, everything. I hope to either bring a smile on your face or help out with my opinion on products I've tried and tested.
Good Afternoon to you all, my name is Jen and as you can tell, I am brand spanking new to the world of blogging. I must admit I am a geek at heart and love things like Back to the Future (sooo want a delorean), Star Wars (may the force be with you) and Pokémon (Gotta catch them all!). But I am also a girlie girl and love trying out new makeup, hair dyes, skin/hair care products and even have an attempt at fashion (when I have money).
In my blog I will talk about life, beauty, geekiness, everything. I hope to either bring a smile on your face or help out with my opinion on products I've tried and tested.
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